Picture Gallery


Find pictures from the movies and it's actors. If you have any interesting picture you would like to share, send it to me!!

Pic 1

Pic 2


Pic 3                                                    Pic 4



                        Pic 5                                                         Pic 6



Pic 7                                                    Pic 8



Pic 9                                                               Pic10



Pic11                                               Pic12


A big thank you for Nancy!! She was the sweet soul who shared the cute Rosie/Sam image!

                     Pic13                                                   Pic14


                     Pic15                                                      Pic16

                                Pic17                                           Pic18



This picture was a gift from Dėluķn Nierė! She is a sweet girl!:)


More pictures to come! As soon as I find time to play with my scanner!:)

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